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ATB EASA Modules are in a constant state of review regarding quality, regulatory updates, and new technologies.
Your comments regarding the quality and content of ATB EASA modules are always welcome.

Minor Revisions

Identified by a decimal to the edition number.
Example: 001 becomes 001.1

A clarification or small change typically encompassing just a few pages. Pages with these minor revisions are provided below for you and your students to download and/or print. These updates will remain available for 2 years from cited publication date.

Regulatory Updates

Identified by a whole number edition.
Example: 002 becomes 003

A revision that is dictated by an EASA rule change. Instructors will be notified by an email when the revision is available. Upon notification, for schools who are current ATB customers, it is your choice for enrolled students (and yourself) to receive that replacement module without cost.

New Editions

Identified by a whole number edition.
Example: 002 becomes 003

A new edition is a major rewrite made at the discretion of ATB. Your previous edition remains valid and within all regulatory guidelines. The new edition will replace the old for all future purchases. An email notification will be sent describing this update along with an opportunity, at your discretion, for your current students to repurchase the new edition.

Note that the EASA Module Revision policy applies only to instructors at schools (and their students) who regularly purchase and teach with ATB modules. When the revision is announced, each instructor can then decide whether those students who are midway through their program should receive the update. Please note that this is not a general public offer. Free revisions are only available for regular ATB partner/clients.

EASA Module Revision Logs And Updates

CAT-A Revision Logs

Module 1. Mathematics
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2016 01 Module Creation and Release
002 2020 02 Module Updates - Layout Adjustments
002.1 2023 04 Cubic feet to cubic meters multiplier changed from 2.831 to 0.028 317, page R.1.
Inclusion of Measurement Standards for clarification, page iv.
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Module 2. Physics
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2013 12 Module Creation and Release
002 2020 02 Minor Appearance Updates
002.1 2020 05 Clarified formulas for Buoyant Force (page 2.7) and Vibration (page 2.11)
002.2 2020 05 Corrected formulas for Pendular Movement and Vibration. Sub-Module 02, page 2.11
002.3 2022 06 Clarified number of electrons in orbital shells. Sub-Module 01, page 1.2-1.3
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002.4 2023 04 Minor appearance and format updates.
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Module 3. Electrical Fundamentals
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2014 08 Module Creation and Release
002 2019 04 Fine tuned Sub-Module content sequence based on Appendix-A. Updated layout and styling.
002.1 2023 04 Inclusion of Measurement Standards for clarification, page iv. Minor appearance and format updates.
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Module 5. Digital Techniques/Electronic Instrument Systems
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2014 09 Module Creation and Release
002 2019 05 Fine tuned Sub-Module content sequence based on Appendix-A. Updated layout and styling.
002.1 2021 09 Added enhanced Welcome, Forward, EASA License and General Knowledge Requirements. No content changes.
002.2 2023 04 Minor appearance and format updates.
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003 2024 06 Regulatory update for EASA 2023-989 compliance.

Module 6. Materials And Hardware
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2019 01 Module Creation and Release
001.1 2023 04 Minor appearance and format updates.
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002 2024 06 Regulatory update for EASA 2023-989 compliance.
  • 6.3.1B Defects in Composite Materials - Submodule added.
  • 6.3.3C Repair of Composite Parts - section deleted per EASA 2023-989.
  • 6.3.3 Fabric Covering - Submodule deleted per EASA 2023-989.

Module 7. Maintenance Practices
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2020 02 Module Creation and Release
001.1 2021 10 Corrected description of file types (Sub-Module 07, pages 3.15-3.16)
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001.2 2023 04 Submodule 8 - Added content on Friction and Mechanical lock blind rivet procedures. Inclusion of Measurement Standards for clarification, page iv. Minor appearance and format updates. Download Supplement PDF
002 2024 04 Regulatory update for EASA 2023-989 compliance.
  • 7.1 Fuel Tank Safety - topic added.
  • 7.1 Ballistic Parachutes - topic added.
  • 7.4 Avionics Test Equipment - topic moved to Modules 11, 12, and 13 per 2023-989.
  • 7.7 Connector Pin Wire Support - topic added.
  • 7.7 Soldering Electrical Wires - topic added.
  • 7.7 HIRF Protection Principles - topic added.
  • 7.8 Special Purpose Rivets and Fasteners - topic added.
  • 7.9 Visual Inspection of Springs - topic added.
  • 7.9 Inspecting Squareness of Springs - topic added.
  • 7.13 Cable Tension Regulators - topic added.
  • 7.13 Cable Guides and Adjustment - topic added.
  • 7.14 Additive Manufacturing - topic added.
  • 7.15 Welding - submodule deleted per 2023-989.
  • 7.18 Structural Repair Manuals - topic added.
  • 7.18 Dye Penetrant Color Contrast - topic added.
  • 7.19 HIRF Test Equipment - topic added.
  • 7.21 Documentation and Communication - new submodule added.

Module 8. Basic Aerodynamics
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2018 06 Module Creation and Release
001.1 2023 04 Inclusion of Measurement Standards for clarification, page iv. Minor appearance and format updates.
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002 2024 04 Regulatory update for EASA 2023-989 compliance.
  • 8.1 Atmospheric Density - added content.
  • 8.1 Water Content - added content.
  • 8.2 Free Stream Flow - rewrite.
  • 8.2 Aerodynamic Contamination - added content.
  • 8.3 Aircraft Performance - rewrite.
  • 8.4 Shock Waves - added new figure.

Module 9. Human Factors
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2018 11 Module Creation and Release
001.1 2023 04 Inclusion of Measurement Standards for clarification, page iv. Minor appearance and format updates.
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Module 10. Aviation Legislation
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2020 03 Module Creation and Release
002 2020 10 Enhanced or modified content within the following Sub-Modules:
  • 10.4: Complete rewrite for updated regulations.
  • 10.6: Complete rewrite for updated regulations.
002.1 2023 04 Inclusion of Measurement Standards for clarification, page iv. Minor appearance and format updates.
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003 2024 06 Regulatory update for EASA 2023-989 compliance.
  • 10.1 Regulatory Framework - Added the relationship between regulations (hard law) and AMC, GM and CSS (soft law).
  • 10.1 Regulatory Framework - Added occurrence reporting EU 376/2014.
  • 10.1 Regulatory Framework - Added relationship between the annexes.
  • 10.3 Approved Maintenance Organisations - Added Combined Airworthiness Organizations.
  • 10.5 Air Operations - Added topic.
  • 10.10 Cybersecurity in Aviation Maintenance- New Submodule on Cybersecurity.
  • Replaced all questions and answers.

Module 11. Turbine Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures And Systems
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2020 04 Module Creation and Release
001.1 2023 04 Inclusion of Measurement Standards for clarification, page iv. Minor appearance and format updates.
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002 2024 06 Regulatory update for EASA 2023-989 compliance.
  • 11.1.2 High Speed Flight - topic moved to Module 8 Basic Aerodynamics.
  • 11.3.1 Airborne Towing Devices - topic added.
  • 11.5.2 Avionics Test Equipment - topic added.
  • 11.10 Inert Gas Systems - topic added.
  • 11.11 Tail Protection - topic added.
  • 11.16 Pneumatic Pumps - topic added.
  • Question and Answer updates for all Submodules.

Module 11B. Piston Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures And Systems
Version Effective Date Description of Change
1 2017 08 Release (TEC Textbook)

Module 12. Helicopter Aerodynamics, Structures And Systems
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2023 03 Module Creation and Release

Module 15. Gas Turbine Engine
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2019 01 Module Creation and Release
001.1 2023 04 Inclusion of Measurement Standards for clarification, page iv. Minor appearance and format updates.
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Module 16. Piston Engine
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2019 04 Module Creation and Release
002 2017 02 Format Update
003 2020 06 Realignment to Part-66 Appendicies. Enhanced figures throughout entire textbook.
004 2023 01 Major rewrite and fomatting updates. Acronym updates and inclusion of Measurement Standards page.
004.1 2023 04 Minor appearance and format updates.
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Module 17. Propeller
Version Effective Date Description of Change
001 2016 02 Module Creation and Release
002 2019 11 Minor Format Updates
002.1 2023 04 Inclusion of Measurement Standards for clarification, page iv. Minor appearance and format updates.
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